
The Big Timber Elite Revere: A Revolution in Patio Heating

Join us at Liquortainment Inc. as we delve into the world of home entertainment, from the nostalgic crackle of traditional wood fires to the modern marvel of the Big Timber Elite Revere by Timber Stoves.

Discover how innovation is redefining outdoor heating and bringing the charm of the fire pit to your doorstep. Stay tuned for engaging discussions, product reviews, and DIY inspirations to transform your home bar and entertainment space. Cheers to making memories around the fire! 🍻

#HomeBar #ManCave #OutdoorEntertainment #WoodFires #PatioHeater


  • Ah, the crackle of burning wood, the dance of flames that could outdo the best of Broadway, and that smoky aroma that you just can’t get out of your favorite sweatshirt – that's the unmistakable charm of traditional wood-burning fires for you.

Traditional Wood Fires:

  • Wood-burning fires are the heart and soul of outdoor gatherings, creating warm and memorable experiences under the stars.
  • They have been the backdrop for countless memory-making moments, from camping trips to garden parties.
  • However, they require attention and maintenance, and can leave you smelling like you've fought a dragon.

Introducing the Big Timber Elite Revere:

  • The Big Timber Elite Revere is a modern marvel, boasting 90,000 BTUs of heating capacity and using wood pellets for efficient and consistent flames.
  • It offers convenience, efficiency, and a sleek design that enhances outdoor gatherings.

Comparison: Traditional Wood Fires vs. Pellet Heaters:

  • Traditional wood fires demand respect and effort, while pellet heaters offer warmth without the work.
  • The Big Timber Elite Revere combines the charm of traditional fires with the efficiency of pellet technology, making it a practical and innovative choice for outdoor heating.


  • Whether you prefer the charm of traditional wood fires or the innovation of pellet heaters, there's heat to be found and comfort to be shared.
  • Embrace these fancy fire impersonators, like the Big Timber Elite Revere, for their ability to spark conversation and create memorable experiences.



Oh, welcome heat-seekers and shiver shunners to the cozy confines of our little sonic soiree, where today, we ignite a conversation hotter than a halapeño's armpit. I'm your host, fanning the flames of fun while we talk timber, technology, and the art of staying toasty.

If you're in the law biz, quick heads up with the disclaimer. We're not raking in any cash for dropping the names Timber Stoves or Wood Pellet Products - zero commissions, zilch in affiliate fees, nada. As of this recording, we don’t have a single patio heater from Timber Stoves or any other brand for that matter. Just did our homework and shot an email to Karen Traeger over at Timber Stoves. This chat's all about keeping cozy when the temp drops.

Just about everywhere else in the States, that chill in the air is giving way to some nice, warm vibes – perfect for those weekend hangs. But here in Minnesota? Nope, not happening. Mid-April and we're still bundled up with those below-freezing nights and daytime highs that barely hit the forties.

Now, imagine the nostalgic warmth of a traditional wood-burning fire, that crackle and pop like your joints on a cold morning, but without the need to play lumberjack or smell like a bonfire boutique. Now imagine that same heat and ambience, but in a patio sculpture. Inside the heart of this sizzling discourse lies a marvel of modern warmth, a beacon of blaze: the Big Timber Elite Revere. It's not a law firm, folks, it's a wood pellet patio heater that's cranking out comfort at a sweltering 90,000 BTUs. Picture the fiery embrace of a wood fire, with the precision of a Swiss timepiece – we're talking the Einstein of outdoor heating here.

Stay tuned, because we're going to dive deep into this inferno of innovation, and by the end of this, you'll have your shivers waving goodbye to goosebumps and your freezing beer clutching fingers saying hello to the warm exterior of your favorite beverage koozie, no matter the outside temp. Now, strap on your seat belts and put your fire extinguishers at the ready because things are about to get hot. Literally.

Ah, the crackle of burning wood, the dance of flames that could outdo the best of Broadway, and that smoky aroma that you just can’t get out of your favorite sweatshirt – that's the unmistakable charm of traditional wood-burning fires for you. Now, before you all rush to your backyards to reignite the days of yore, let's settle down and reminisce about why these fires feel like a warm hug from history itself. You see, wood-burning fires aren’t just about whacking some logs together and watching them burn while you awkwardly hold a marshmallow on a stick. Oh no, my friends. They are the heart and soul of outdoor gatherings. Cast your minds back to those long, lazy evenings spent under a blanket of stars, where the biggest debate was whether your marshmallow was perfectly golden or disastrously charred. That warm glow wasn’t just from the fire, it was the radiance of shared stories, laughter, and perhaps one too many servings of your Aunt Gertrude’s “famous” potato salad.

And it’s not just backyard shindigs – think of every campsite you've ever been to. There's always that one person who fancies themselves as a bit of a Prometheus, taking it upon themselves to spark the life into the night's entertainment. Gathered around that radiant bonfire, friendships were forged in the amber glow, spooky tales turned braver souls into quivering custards, and let's not forget sing-ing because apparently, everybody's vocal cords improve by firelight! Traditional wood fires have been the backdrop for countless memory-making moments. From that first camping trip where you learned that no matter how many ghost stories you tell, the scariest thing in the forest is the sound of your own trip to the loo; to the garden parties where grandpa would tell stories of the "good ol' days" — a mystical time when phones were attached to the wall, and "tweeting" was strictly for the birds.

But real talk for a second – they are a bit like that high-maintenance friend, aren’t they? Always needing attention, poking and prodding to keep the flames alive. And when the party’s over, instead of simply flipping a switch, you're left smelling like you’ve fought a dragon, but sadly without the glory that such a battle should rightly earn. So yes, while the charm and nostalgia of traditional wood fires are undeniable, and we do love a bit of historical homage, it's time to stoke our curiosity about what comes next – because progress waits for no man, or fire for that matter. And with that, folks, let’s see what happens when we combine that ol' timey fire allure with a whisper of innovation. Stay tuned!

In a world where chilling on your patio can quickly turn into an impromptu ice fishing session, the Big Timber Elite Revere rolls in like a heatwave in Hades. Imagine the uproar from the ice age if they had witnessed this marvel. Yes, my frosty friends, the Big Timber Elite Revere isn't your grandpa's firepit; it's the Batman of patio heaters. Boasting a brawny 90,000 BTU's of heating capacity, this juggernaut doesn't just whisper warm nothings to your goosebumped skin—it bellows like a Viking horn across your frozen tundra of a backyard. Think about that number for a second. Ninety. Thousand. That's the thermal equivalent of staring into the sun while wrapped in a volcano. Okay, not literally, but you get the picture. Now, let's get under the hood of this beast, shall we? Pellets. Yes, quaint little bits of compressed wood dancing the Flamenco in a finely engineered burn chamber. Don't let their tiny stature fool you. Each pellet is a powerhouse, an underdog, an unsung hero in the saga of thermal dominance. These wonders of woodcraft come together to create a consistent, long-lasting blaze that doesn't require the brutish effort of hewing logs or the patience of a saint – just pour, light, and poof, instant inferno.

And if you're wondering, "Does it look as magnificent as it sounds?" Picture the grandeur of an old-timey locomotive with the sleekness of a modern sculpture. The Big Timber Elite Revere is like having a designer piece that doesn't just sit pretty but makes your outdoor gatherings last until morning or at least until someone remembers they left their sprinklers on. This fire-spewing marvel isn't just for the ambience, though. It's for the pit masters, the cocktail shakers, the stargazers, and the late-night philosophers. It’s an homage to the traditional, with a dazzling nod to evolution. It brings the bonfire to your doorstep with the light of a match - all pomp, no smoke in your face. Because, let’s face it, tearing up every time the wind changes direction was never the best look at a party.

Roger that, Big Timber Elite Revere, for you are definitely the revolution in heating we’ve been toasting our marshmallows for!

Step aside, cavemen ancestors—while you may have aced the art of creating fire by sheer will and a couple of rocks, we've moved on to fancier pursuits—like flicking a lighter and watching flames dance without working up a prehistoric sweat. In comes the Big Timber Elite Revere and its pellet technology—ready to spellbind you not just with its blazing charisma but with its efficiency that could make a Swiss watch look like a lazy sloth. You see, the incredible machine is not just a pretty face with a fiery personality. It capitalizes on the brilliance of wood pellets—a biomass product made from compressed organic matter, or in layman's terms, tiny nuggets of energy waiting to burst into flames. These pellets are the secret agents of a heating operation so smooth, it’ll make you rethink every time you’ve ever struggled to get a traditional fire going.

With a hopper that holds the pellets, all you need to do is load it up, set your desired heat level, and voila! You've got yourself a personal inferno that doesn't require a degree in fire-making to manage. Gone are the days of fiddling with kindling, blowing on embers, and getting an accidental face full of smoke when the wind decides to play tricks on you. And oh, let's talk numbers for a second—because when we say efficient, we mean it. The Big Timber Elite Revere isn't playing around with its 90,000 BTU output. To put that into perspective, an average patio heater hovers around the 40,000 BTU mark—so it's like showing up to a scooter race on a rocket. Your guests won't just be warm; they'll be toasting marshmallows metaphorically speaking.

This heater is the Marie Kondo of the patio world. It sparks joy, yes, but it also declutters the process of minding a fire. There's no mess of ash, erratic flames, or the constant poker-prodding to keep the wood aflame. It's the type of simplicity that makes you wonder how we ever thought that getting smoke in our eyes was an essential part of the outdoor heating experience. So, if juggling logs into a picturesque arrangement that could rival a game of Jenga isn't your idea of a fun evening, consider the Big Timber Elite Revere your knight in shining armor—or should we say, shining steel. It's the synergistic marriage of pellet-powered convenience with crazy efficiency that makes getting cozy by the fire as easy as pressing play on your favorite comfort show—effortless, reliable, and oh so satisfying.

Ah, the eternal battle of old versus new, tradition versus innovation. It's like choosing between vinyl and Spotify, or for our purpose today—traditional wood fires and modern pellet heaters. Gather 'round, folks, as we poke at the embers of this heated debate. Now, let's talk about traditional wood fires. There's something primeval about tossing logs into a crackling fire, isn't there? The smoky scent, the sizzle and pop as the flames dance—is it a backyard or a scene from a cozy mystery novel? Wood fires are the unsung heroes of ghost stories and weenie roasts. But let's face it, half the time you end up playing musical chairs around the fire pit to avoid a face full of smoke. And let's not even mention the hours spent splitting logs, it's like an involuntary gym membership.

Enter the contender, the pellet heater—I'm talking the Big Timber Elite Revere by Timber Stoves. This modern marvel doesn't need you to roll up your sleeves and channel your inner lumberjack. It emits a whooping 90,000 BTUs. That’s enough to keep you toasty and warm sans the smoke-based tear gas experience. Its wood pellets are the microwavable dinners of the fire world—convenient, efficient, and no need for foraging in the woods. But let's not forget, there's no "ooh and aah" when you start a pellet heater. The ritual of fire-starting is a bard's tale lost to technology. Meanwhile, the Big Timber doesn't demand a sacrifice of hours or eyebrows for the sake of ambiance. It's a marvel of modern engineering—a fire that starts without flint, tinder, or singed arm hair.

Now, if we're to be really fair, wood fires demand respect and a bit of bravery—this fire will not coddle you! Every spark is earned. The pellet heater, on the other hand, is the polite butler of back yard heating, offering warmth without the work. No need for back pats when the flames rise; a pellet heater's praise lies in its silent, reliable service. In the end, is it the rugged charm of the old or the sleek efficiency of the new? The earthy allure of working for your warmth or the slick convenience of pellets? Traditional wood fires are like that old, cherished flannel shirt—familiar and infused with memories, while the Big Timber Elite Revere is akin to a snazzy new smartwatch—state-of-the-art, practical, and might just be the way of the future.

There you have it, folks. Whether you're a fan of the time-honored crackle or you gravitate towards the hum of innovation, there's heat to be found and comfort to be shared. Now excuse me while I go pull the trigger on a butane match pistol and bask in the radiant glow of progress—or maybe just one more story by the fire before we call it a night.

Ah, as we stoke the dying embers of yet another heartwarming episode, let's warm our hands with final thoughts on this fiery subject. The Big Timber Elite Revere—doesn't it sound like an exclusive club for tree enthusiasts? Well, it's actually a toasty ticket to modern convenience without ditching the ol' fire's allure. Who would've thought that pellets, the same stuff you fed your childhood hamster, would one day power a heating juggernaut? I mean, 90,000 BTUs—isn't that something like eighty nine thousand, nine hundred ninety nine more than we ever thought we'd need? But here's the kicker: we're not just blowing hot air about keeping our toes cozy. We're witnessing a revolution that warms the cockles of our hearts while being kinder to Mother Nature. It kicks heat out to cover 250 square feet. It's like an Aladdin movie heat jeanie... if it had a heat jeanie. Phenomenal cosmic powers in an itty bitty living space.

Sure, we might miss the snap, crackle, and pop of a wood fire, and the scent that screams, "I'm outdoorsy," even if we're just sipping a bourbon on the patio or a cheap Hamms beer outside your garage bar. But hey, isn't nostalgia the comfort food for our soul—delicious but not exactly daily diet material?

So, while the essence of a good ol' blaze remains untamed in our hearts, let's embrace these fancy fire impersonators. The Big Timber Elite Revere by Timber Stoves is no cheap Vegas act. If you want the glow of a flickering blaze, this baby has it. There are large firebox windows on three sides, casting fire light every which way.

Because, after all, if it looks like fire, heats like fire, and gathers folks around its glowing hearth, then it’s good enough to spark a conversation and rosy cheeks all around. Until next time, keep the fire of curiosity burning, and who knows what we'll ignite in our next chat.

To learn more about Timber Stoves, check out wood, pellet, products, dot, com. When you do, you'll understand why we're so excited about this premium wood pellet patio heater. We'll put the link in the show notes.